Treatment outcomes in tuberculosis patients with diabetes: a polytomous analysis using Brazilian surveillance system.

/ / Faculty Research in Latin America, Research



REGION: Latin America

REFERENCE: Reis-Santos B, Gomes T, Locatelli R, de Oliveira ER, Sanchez MN, Horta BL, Riley LW, Maciel EL. Treatment outcomes in tuberculosis patients with diabetes: a polytomous analysis using Brazilian surveillance system. PLoS One. 2014 Jul 8;9(7):e100082. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0100082. eCollection 2014.

SUMMARY/ABSTRACT: The impact of non-communicable diseases on tuberculosis incidence has received significant attention. It has been suggested that the risk of tuberculosis is higher among subjects with diabetes and these subjects also has poor TB treatment outcomes.This study was aimed at assessing the socio-demographic and clinical factors that may influence different outcome of TB in patients with DM (TB-DM) identified in the Brazilian national database from 2001 to 2011. TB-DM cases reported in the Brazilian information system were identified and compared.Covariates associated with the outcomes of interest (cure, default, deaths, and development of TB MDR) were included in a hierarchical regression model. Older subjects and those with comorbidities and with a previous treatment of TB had poorest outcomes. TB control program in Brazil will need to expand efforts to focus on treatment of TB-DM patients to improve their cure rates in order to achieve the goals of tuberculosis elimination.

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