Slum and Urban Health
Update (8/2/16): New Slum Health book published by UC Berkeley faculty, Lee Riley and Jason Corburn.
Update (8/2/16): New Slum Health book published by UC Berkeley faculty, Lee Riley and Jason Corburn.
Globally, more than a billion people reside in urban slums. Residence in slums is a risk factor for a variety of adverse health outcomes. Diseases of slum residents that are eventually recognized by the formal health sector are often those that are complications or sequelae of preventable illnesses.
As such, slum dwellers are likely to live longer with disability (years lived with disability or YLD) or likely to have more years of life lost (YLL) than non-slum residents when they develop the same disease or injuries. In many nations, slum residents are not officially recognized (no work permit, no home address, no identification card, and in some places, no birth or death certificates) and hence the allocated resources do not take into consideration the cost to take care of this population.
New metrics specific to slums need to be developed and used to assess the impact of interventions on disease/injury-related morbidity and mortality, as well as to allocate more realistic resource needs. Health inequity in the world’s burgeoning slums is the product of numerous complex social, physical, economic, and political factors. The search for solutions requires better data on the burden of disease morbidity and an integrative understanding of determining factors, matched by creative multidisciplinary insights, tools and methodologies to design interventions.
A multidisciplinary group of faculty and students associated with UC Berkeley’s Center for Global Public Health is defining a new, forward-looking research agenda on slum health.
CGPH facilitates development of the slum and urban health agenda by facilitating faculty/student research activities representing diverse disciplines (i.e., Infectious Diseases, Civil Engineering, City Planning, Community Health/Human Development, Public Health).
Evening colloquia (2010-2012)
Slum upgrading in Nairobi, Kenya
Jason Corburn, City & Regional Planning and Public Health)
Issues of water and sanitation in slums in Ghana and India
Kara Nelson, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Population growth and women’s health across the globe
Malcolm Potts, Maternal & Child Health; Health & Social Behavior, School of Public Health
Work in Brazil and the challenges Brazil faces balancing economic growth with a growing slum population
Lee Riley, Infectious Diseases & Vaccinology, School of Public Health; Albert Ko, Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases, Yale University;
Eduardo Faerstein, Epidemiology, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Community-based dengue prevention program in Managua, Nicaragua
Eva Harris, Infectious Diseases & Vaccinology, School of Public Health; Director, Center for Global Public Health
2010 Symposium
The Challenge of Slums: Global Health in the Urban Century [link to media]
2009 Symposium
Global Change - Global Health: A Symposium on Urban Health in the 21st Century
Rio de Janeiro Slum Health Initiative: New programs are being developed in Rio de Janeiro to address inadequate infrastructure, poverty, crime, social exclusion and general health and well-being in the city’s favelas in advance of upcoming World Cup and Olympic events. Impact data from differential interventions combined with robust information on targeted communities provides a natural experiment capable of generating valuable lessons for future interventions in Rio and elsewhere.
Professor Lee Riley
Professor Jason Corburn
Dr. Charlotte Smith
CGPH steering committee member, Professor Lee Riley, leads the Global Health Fellows and Scholars Research and Training program, which focuses on Slum Health.
Fellowships for post-graduate students and upper level PhD students to focus on health equity and slum health are available. See more: