All interested grad students are invited to the second and final info session for the new Global Development Fellows (GDF) program. GDP will provide the opportunity for up to twenty UC Berkeley grad students to spend 2-3 months during the 2015 summer break helping USAID partner organizations in Senegal, South Africa, India, The Philippines, Indonesia, Colombia and Brazil solve high-impact scientific, technological, organizational and business challenges.
Fellowships of $10,000 cover travel, living expenses and other costs.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Contrary to previous information, non-US citizens may be eligible for fellowships.
What: Information session
Who: UC Berkeley Graduate students (masters and PhDs).
When: Wednesday, October 22nd @ 12:30pm
Where: 311 Wellman Hall
For further information email: berkeleymdp@gmail.com
GDF website: http://mdp.berkeley.edu/global-development-fellowships-about/
GDF Press Release: http://nature.berkeley.edu/news/2014/10/new-usaid-pact-brings-10k-fellowships-berkeley-grad-students
UC Berkeley MDP: http://mpd.berkeley.edu
USAID’s Global Development Lab: http://www.usaid.gov/GlobalDevLab