The Finding Big Ideas Essay Contest challenges UC Berkeley students to write about a “big idea” which they have observed making a significant, positive, social impact in a particular community. This big idea could take many forms, from an inspiring new way of organizing community action, to an inventive technology, to a new institution, to a new mode of communication and many more possibilities. The challenge is for you to recognize this big idea, observe it, and write about it. We want to emphasize that this idea should not be “yours” or immediately related to “your work” but rather other people’s ideas that you are witnessing, admiring, and documenting.
Prizes: Two $500 prizes, plus mentorship and help in exploring publication opportunities for the essay.
Eligibility: This essay competition is open to all UC Berkeley undergraduate and graduate students. Eligible students must be enrolled in classes during fall term 2014.
Submission Deadline: Wednesday, October 1, 2014, at 5pm.
Application and more info: http://bigideas.berkeley.edu/finding-big-ideas-essay-competition