The Lindahl Lecture was founded in 2012 by Dr. Eric Grigsby and the Health Roots Foundation for Global Health, partnering with Neurovations Education to bring distinguished thinkers in the sciences to speak to an audience of young scientists, researchers, and current and future clinicians and public health professionals.
The Third Annual Lindahl Lecture will be delivered by Nobel Prize Winner Bruce Beutler, MD, at 4:30pm on August 29, 2015. The Lecture and preceding reception will be held at the Meritage Conference Center in Napa, California.
Dr. Beutler will present this year’s lecture on High Speed Identification of Point Mutations That Cause Phenotypes.” For more information on the speaker and this year’s lecture topic, please visit lindahllecture.com. Attendance is FREE for all current students, active academic researchers and instructors at UC Berkeley and the Bay Area. There will be a reception preceding the lecture from 3:45-4:30pm, which attendees are also welcome to join.
Attendees are asked to RSVP at lindahllecture.com, as spaces are limited.