Deadline: March 1, 2016
As a part of Innovations for Youth’s and Center for Global Public Health’s missions to support experiential learning for UC Berkeley graduate students interested in adolescent public health research, a graduate student fellowship opportunity to support adolescent research has been established. Fellowships in the amount of $2,500-$5,000 will be awarded to two to three qualified students selected via a competitive evaluation to support study-related travel and research activities for 2-3 months in the summer of 2016.
The fellowship project must be a research study that advances the health or wellbeing of adolescents in low-resource settings in a domestic or international setting. The student’s main supervisor can be a field supervisor for the targeted research, but each student must have a faculty mentor from UC Berkeley who can provide mentoring over the period of the project and a letter of support.
For more, please visit: http://cgph.globalhealth.berkeley.edu/fellowships-2/i4y-cgph-fellowship/