A stepped wedge, cluster-randomized trial of a household UV-disinfection and safe storage drinking water intervention in rural Baja California Sur, Mexico

/ / Faculty Research in Latin America, Research

CGPH AFFILIATED FACULTY: John Colford, Kara Nelson


REGION: Latin America (Mexico)

REFERENCE: Gruber JS, Reygadas F, Arnold BF, Ray I, Nelson K, Colford JM Jr. A stepped wedge, cluster-randomized trial of a household UV-disinfection and safe storage drinking water intervention in rural Baja California Sur, Mexico. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2013 Aug;89(2):238-45. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.13-0017. Epub 2013 Jun 3.

SUMMARY/ABSTRACT: In collaboration with a local non-profit organization, this study evaluated the expansion of a program that promoted and installed Mesita Azul, an ultraviolet-disinfection system designed to treat household drinking water in rural Mexico. We conducted a 15-month, cluster-randomized stepped wedge trial by randomizing the order in which 24 communities (444 households) received the intervention. We measured primary outcomes (water contamination and diarrhea) during seven household visits.

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