Come hear Bryan Murphy-Eustis, Executive Director for Partners In Health (PIH) Liberia discuss PIH’s work in building a comprehensive health system in the wake of the Ebola epidemic and plans to build a high-quality public teaching hospital in Maryland County, Liberia. PIH is an international NGO co-founded by Dr. Paul Farmer in 1987 whose mission is “to provide a preferential option for the poor in health care.” PIH works in Haiti, Peru, Rwanda, Lesotho, Malawi, Mexico, Russia, the Navajo Nation, and most recently in Liberia and Sierra Leone, following a request from the respective governments to support their Ebola response efforts during the 2014 outbreak.
Thursday, October 6, 2016, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PDT
Li Ka Shing Center
2535 Oxford Street, Room 545
Berkeley, CA 94720
Visit the website for more information and RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/106-cgph-lunch-seminar-partners-in-health-pih-liberia-rebuilding-a-health-system-after-ebola-tickets-28239957473#