The “AMA-Brazil” cooperative project: a nation-wide assessment of the clinical and epidemiological profile of AIDS-related deaths in Brazil in the antiretroviral treatment era.
Saturday, 23 July 2011
CGPH FACULTY: Art Reingold DATE OF PUBLICATION: 2011 REGION: Latin America REFERENCE: Veras MA, Ribeiro MC, Jamal LF, McFarland W, Bastos FI, Ribeiro KB, Barata RB, Moraes JC, Reingold AL. The “AMA-Brazil” cooperative project: a nation-wide assessment of the clinical and epidemiological profile of AIDS-related deaths in Brazil in the antiretroviral treatment era. Cad Saude
- Published in Faculty Research in Latin America, Research
Prevalence & correlates of primary infertility among young women in Mysore, India.
Saturday, 23 July 2011
CGPH FACULTY: Art Reingold DATE OF PUBLICATION: October 2011 REGION: Asia REFERENCE: Adamson PC, Krupp K, Freeman AH, Klausner JD, Reingold AL, Madhivanan P. Prevalence & correlates of primary infertility among young women in Mysore, India. Indian J Med Res. 2011 Oct;134:440-6. SUMMARY/ABSTRACT: There are sparse data on the prevalence of primary infertility in India
- Published in Faculty Research in Latin America, Research
Unusual dengue virus 3 epidemic in Nicaragua, 2009.
Saturday, 23 July 2011
CGPH FACULTY: Eva Harris DATE OF PUBLICATION: November 2011 REGION: Latin America REFERENCE: Gutierrez G, Standish K, Narvaez F, Perez MA, Saborio S, Elizondo D, Ortega O, Nuñez A, Kuan G, Balmaseda A, Harris E. Unusual dengue virus 3 epidemic in Nicaragua, 2009. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2011 Nov;5(11):e1394. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0001394. Epub 2011 Nov 8.
- Published in Faculty Research in Latin America, Research
Kidney cancer mortality: fifty-year latency patterns related to arsenic exposure.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
CGPH FACULTY: Allan H. Smith DATE OF PUBLICATION: January 2010 REGION: Latin America REFERENCE: Yuan Y, Marshall G, Ferreccio C, Steinmaus C, Liaw J, Bates M, Smith AH. Kidney cancer mortality: fifty-year latency patterns related to arsenic exposure. Epidemiology. 2010 Jan;21(1):103-8. doi: 10.1097/EDE.0b013e3181c21e46. SUMMARY/ABSTRACT: Arsenic in drinking water is associated with kidney cancer. Beginning in
- Published in Faculty Research in Latin America, Research
Social capital and self-rated health in Argentina.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
CGPH FACULTY: Richard Scheffler DATE OF PUBLICATION: December 2010 REGION: Latin America REFERENCE: Ronconi L, Brown TT, Scheffler RM. Social capital and self-rated health in Argentina. Health Econ. 2012 Feb;21(2):201-8. doi: 10.1002/hec.1696. Epub 2010 Dec 8. SUMMARY/ABSTRACT: The potential link between social capital and health suggests important pathways by which health may be improved. We
- Published in Faculty Research in Latin America, Research
Acceptance of a new technology for management of obstetric hemorrhage: a qualitative study from rural Mexico
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
CGPH FACULTY: Suellen Miller DATE OF PUBLICATION: May 2010 REGION: Latin America REFERENCE: Berdichevsky K, Tucker C, Martínez A, Miller S. Acceptance of a new technology for management of obstetric hemorrhage: a qualitative study from rural Mexico. Health Care Women Int. 2010 May;31(5):444-57. doi: 10.1080/07399330903518491. SUMMARY/ABSTRACT: We conducted a qualitative study to explore responses to
- Published in Faculty Research in Latin America, Research
The art of public health: pneumococcal vaccine coverage in Mexico.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
CGPH FACULTY: Stefano Bertozzi DATE OF PUBLICATION: January 2010 REGION: Latin America REFERENCE: Daniels N, Valencia-Mendoza A, Gelpi A, Avila MH, Bertozzi S. The art of public health: pneumococcal vaccine coverage in Mexico. Lancet. 2010 Jan 9;375(9709):114-5. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60037-2. SUMMARY/ABSTRACT: No abstract available ACCESS: Link to Pubmed
- Published in Faculty Research in Latin America, Research
Stressors over the life course and neuroendocrine system dysregulation in Costa Rica.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
CGPH FACULTY: William Dow DATE OF PUBLICATION: September 2010 REGION: Latin America REFERENCE: Gersten O, Dow WH, Rosero-Bixby L. Stressors over the life course and neuroendocrine system dysregulation in Costa Rica. J Aging Health. 2010 Sep;22(6):748-71. doi: 10.1177/0898264310367516. Epub 2010 May 28. Erratum in: J Aging Health. 2011 Aug;23(5):883. SUMMARY/ABSTRACT: A key aspect of the
- Published in Faculty Research in Latin America, Research
Individual differences in arsenic metabolism and lung cancer in a case-control study in Cordoba, Argentina.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
CGPH FACULTY: Michael Bates, Allan H. Smith DATE OF PUBLICATION: September 2010 REGION: Latin America REFERENCE: Steinmaus C, Yuan Y, Kalman D, Rey OA, Skibola CF, Dauphine D, Basu A, Porter KE, Hubbard A, Bates MN, Smith MT, Smith AH. Individual differences in arsenic metabolism and lung cancer in a case-control study in Cordoba, Argentina.
- Published in Faculty Research in Latin America, Research
Factors associated with Group A Streptococcus emm type diversification in a large urban setting in Brazil: a cross-sectional study.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
CGPH FACULTY: Lee Riley DATE OF PUBLICATION: November 2010 REGION: Latin America REFERENCE: Tartof SY, Reis JN, Andrade AN, Ramos RT, Reis MG, Riley LW. Factors associated with Group A Streptococcus emm type diversification in a large urban setting in Brazil: a cross-sectional study. BMC Infect Dis. 2010 Nov 11;10:327. doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-10-327. SUMMARY/ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Group
- Published in Faculty Research in Latin America, Research
Factors associated with intention-to-recommend human papillomavirus vaccination among physicians in Mysore, India.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
CGPH FACULTY: Art Reingold DATE OF PUBLICATION: April 2010 REGION: Latin America REFERENCE: Krupp K, Marlow LA, Kielmann K, Doddaiah N, Mysore S, Reingold AL, Madhivanan P. Factors associated with intention-to-recommend human papillomavirus vaccination among physicians in Mysore, India. J Adolesc Health. 2010 Apr;46(4):379-84. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2009.10.001. Epub 2009 Nov 24. SUMMARY/ABSTRACT: PURPOSE: This qualitative study
- Published in Faculty Research in Latin America, Research
Clinical attack rate and presentation of pandemic H1N1 influenza versus seasonal influenza A and B in a pediatric cohort in Nicaragua.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
CGPH FACULTY: Aubree Gordon, Eva Haris DATE OF PUBLICATION: June 2010 REGION: Latin America REFERENCE: Gordon A, Saborío S, Videa E, López R, Kuan G, Balmaseda A, Harris E.Clinical attack rate and presentation of pandemic H1N1 influenza versus seasonal influenza A and B in a pediatric cohort in Nicaragua. Clin Infect Dis. 2010 Jun 1;50(11):1462-7.
- Published in Faculty Research in Latin America, Research